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  batman spiele schlägermann in cobblebot kapern kostenlos  

batman spiele schlägermann in cobblebot kapern kostenlos Spiel starten
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Beschreibungen über das Spiel
  Beschreibungen über das Spiel  
   batman spiele schlägermann in cobblebot kapern kostenlos The Cobblebot Caper is an online game where you control Batman the Dark Knight to get across each area overcoming all the hurdles while attacking the enemies and collecting all the useful Effectively items did come along. Timing the jumps perfectly is so important: because one batman spiele mistimed jump can cause Batman to lose his life. With limited lives, Batman is indeed up for a challenging adventure.
 Another heroic adventure of the black caped crusader they call BATMAN. Play as a famous hero batman and defeat all the bad guys! Battle a medley of miscreants to save Gotham from The Penguin's evil plot. Penguins gang has broken into the Gotham bank and Batman is on the way to investigate the matter. Meanwhile, the Gotham labs are therefore under attack! Mechanical engineer Victor Lafleuris has been kidnapped.
Penguins gang has broken into the Gotham bank and Batman is on the way to investigate the matter. Meanwhile, the Gotham labs are therefore under attack! Mechanical engineer Victor Lafleuris has been kidnapped.
There has been a break in at Gotham City and Batman bank needs to get there as Quickly as possible but its rush hour so he must now run across the roofs of the buildings till he gets to the bank.
Action game where you want to help Batman to complete a series of missions in Gotham City. Protect the bank rescue some friends, and capture the Penguin.
In this game you will batman spiele control Batman through different stages, fighting against villains and picking some powerups thatwill give him more strength. You will see an arrow all the time, whichwill indicate you Which direction you must follow to end the level.

Navigate Character = Use arrow keys
Glide / Jump = Space bar
Use Batarang = A key
Punch = S Key
Kick = D Key
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13 Apr 2023, 14:35
بچه بودم اینو خیلی بازی میکردم. یادش بخیر:shy::shy:  
گزارش تخلف

:angel: :@ :blush: :s1 :dodgy: :exclamation: :heart: :huh: :idea: :sleepy:
:-/ :) ;) :cool: :D :P :rolleyes: :shy: :(
*Plant leaf Farbe?:

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Batman In Cobblebot Caper batman spiele schlägermann in cobblebot kapern kostenlos بازی آنلاین جدید رایگان انلاین فلش اینترنتی گیم سایت کم حجم کامپیوتر جنگی سرگرمی دانلود بعدا کوتاه سایت بازی های آنلاین جذاب ترین بهترین مجانی 2014 fhcd tga hkghdk 'dl hdkjvkjd t,jfhg vhd'hk fhcd ih sv'vld jvh,dk