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Höhlenbewohner Spiel starten
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Beschreibungen über das Spiel
  Beschreibungen über das Spiel  
   Höhlenbewohner But there are also many moments when you need to have all your characters together to solve a puzzle. And when they're spread across a huge expanse. But when you have to repeat the process three times, that exploration will soon begin to grate. Teaming up with friends for local co-op is not much help either. Not only are some players left standing around twiddling their thumbs while others go off to explore, but the switching system that lets you take control of any player at will is too much a tempting way to grieve them too.
Fortunately, the platforming that powers exploration is kept light and breezy. There are no difficult jumps to perform, or a large caverns to traverse. And if the unthinkable happen and you die, there is no extra life or game over screens to deal with: you just flood back to where you died and start again. This helps keep the focus on exploring the cave, and solving its many puzzles.
The puzzles are challenging, but not overly so, even if it takes a little while to get used to three-person logic. You also have to take into account each character's special ability. For example, the monk can pull objects toward him using telekinesis, while the twins can create a body double to interact with two objects at once.
Where the special abilities really come into play are at levels tailored to a particular car. It's there that you learn the true motivations behind their adventure. These dark tales that are ethically questionable, but are told with a great sense of humor through the narration.
Sure, you might not want to launch a nuclear missile that kills millions, or unleash a deadly dragon on the unsuspecting inhabitants of a kingdom, but the cute home, comedic voice acting, and the fact that their actions are so leaned by themselves means you Never feel guilty about it all.
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هنوز پيامي ثبت نشده.

:angel: :@ :blush: :s1 :dodgy: :exclamation: :heart: :huh: :idea: :sleepy:
:-/ :) ;) :cool: :D :P :rolleyes: :shy: :(
*Plant leaf Farbe?:

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