20-09-2021، 13:04
تصویر نویسنده :
دیدن لینک ها برای شما امکان پذیر نیست. لطفا ثبت نام کنید یا وارد حساب خود شوید تا بتوانید لینک ها را ببینید.

Person :Hello. how are you doing? Thank you for accepting the request.
I am from Korea, but I was born and raised in England and married to an Englishman.
can you speak English?
Me :yes
Person: OK dear. Honestly I'm not happy here in United kingdom because I am married to the wrong man against my family wish . Now I want to relocate from this country. Like i said before that i was born and raised in United kingdom but my parents are old already and they now live in South Korea , honesty I am very depressed because I married an British man against my family wish , we lived happily until the arrival of his first wife and children which he never told me about .... now the woman is threaten to make my life miserable here in United kingdom because she is a citizen of United Kingdom and she has connections ,
I am very disappointed in my husband because I trusted him so much , but he never told me that he is married, my family and friends in South Korea have disowned me because of him. Because my family is Buddhism but he converted me to Christianity .... my family and friends oppose my marriage with this man but i refused and married him , now I can not discuss this issue with my family and friends , because they will laugh at me.
?Me : how can i help u
Person: okay
I have jeweler shop here in United kingdom , which was given to me by my wicked husband , because he is very rich , i have already sold the jeweler shop, and i want to change country with the money i made from it, because i want to come and establish in your country, and also start a new life there , because if I do not act quickly , I will lose everything soon. Dear please can you help me to receive my luggage , and the money in your country? If you can receive my luggage then i will finish the divorce process and move to your country and stay with you until i make peace with my family, I will also give you part of the money for your effort
If you are willing I will put the money i got from the sell of my jeweler shop inside my luggage including my clothes and send it to you through courier company . i can not send the money through bank , because my wicked husband will notice .... i want you to receive my luggage in your country first , before i come over to meet you because i do not want my wicked husband to notice my departure .. please i can not call you on phone , because my wicked husband is already having feeling that i want to leave him , and he is monitoring my calls and messages through his friend that work in communication company here in Indonesia .... please i want you to see me as your sister and help me .. this is very urgent and i want to come over to meet you next week but i need to send my luggage to you first this week for safety purpose... I am waiting for your answer.
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