ارسالها: 153
موضوعها: 71
تاریخ عضویت: Aug 2020
سپاس ها 5275
سپاس شده 5447 بار در 2662 ارسال
حالت من: هیچ کدام
03-07-2021، 16:47
(آخرین ویرایش در این ارسال: 03-07-2021، 16:56، توسط فرنودِ بن گیومرث.)
Evil-doer Full Name Ozhin Alias Demon Origin Countdown Occupation Demon Powers / Skills Telekinesis Invisibility Shape-shifting Hobby Killing people. Goals are relentlessly pursued and ultimately kill those who avoid their destined deaths. Crimes Murder Stalking Torture Type of Villain Homicidal Mind-Breaker Ozhin is the main antagonist of the 2019 supernatural horror film Countdown. It is a demon that torments those who receive the curse of Countdown app and kills those who try to avoid death. Ozhin is an evil and sadistic being who enjoys tormenting his victims before killing them. He hats humans who tempt against their destinies and punishes them by bringing out their greatest fears and assuming form of their love ones who have died to deceive them.
Ozhin is a demon associated with a curse that tells people the exact moment they will die. If the person in question tries to use that information to save himself, Ozhin will chase him, torment him and finally kill him when his stipulated time arrives.
In ancient times, a prince was to lead his army into battle when his father, the king, was dying. Wanting to know if he would survive, the prince went with a gypsy who gave him a papyrus that contained the exact moment of his death. The gypsy warned him that under no circumstances will he use that information to save himself. The papyrus marked that the prince would die during the battle, so, ignoring the gypsy's warning, the prince sent his younger brother instead. His brother manages to lead the army to victory, while the prince returns with the gypsy asking if the angel of death would come for him. The gypsy tells him that having attempted against his destiny, what would come to look for him would no longer be natural. Ozhin then begins to persecute the prince, torment him relentlessly and finally, he kills him at the exact moment indicated by the papyrus.
Currently, an app of unknown origin called Countdown seemingly predicts how long a user has left to live. People start downloading the app on their smartphones by believing it a joke, not knowing that it is actually a modern version of Ozhin's curse. After downloading it, everyone presumably dies at the exact moment the clock reaches zero. Those people who, fearful of running out of time, become cautious and avoid the fatal circumstances that would lead to their deaths, are persecuted by Ozhin, who makes sure to kill them at the exact time indicated by the clock.
Since Ozhin is linked to the Countdown's curse, it is possible to get rid of him by breaking the curse. The only known way to do it that is someone dies before or after the given time. Also, a circle of salt is able to keep those inside safe from it.
In the movie, a group of teenagers are seen at a party, until they decide to download the phone application by the name Countdown. No one knew or believed that the app is cursed, and that the app predicts the future. The app is used for telling the victims when will they die exactly. Most of the teenagers got a lot of period to live, except one girl which's time is much smaller then others. Later on, the girl is seen with her boyfriend Evan, which tells her to pick her up from the party but she declines, due to him being drunk.
The girl starts having visions of various ghost-demons until she get home. Once in home, she is still paranoid from the app, until in the bathroom she gets killed by the demon which starts the movie. The movie then moves to showing off the main heroic character Quinn Harris, a new nurse, which works in a hospital where Even is injured from a car accident. Quinn and Evan speak to each other, and Evan tells her about the app, explaining how the app predicted the exact time when his girlfriend passed-away, and that his time is coming soon as-well. Trying to be professional, Quinn tries to explain that's all just a fictional app and that he shouldn't fear the application. Later on, Quinn goes to her colleagues and talk about the app, most of them download the app, as expected most of which got a long period to live, except Quinn which got more three days to live.
Evan later on, tries to escape from his surgery and gets confronted by a demonic version of his girlfriend and gets murdered. Quinn then ends up picking up some documents and sees her younger little sister Jordan, which strained their relationship due to the death of their mother. Quinn ends up learning about Evan's death, and goes onto checking his phone. She then gets sexually-harassed by her boss Dr. Sullivan, trying to seduce Quinn forcefully. Quinn starts digging into the app, finding out that the girlfriend's death is connected to the app, and that other people had similar experiences too, though she saw also comments of people saying that all of it's is fabricated. She then has a vision of Evan being dead and tries to escape. Though her little sister found her, and talk to Quinn about it, finding out about the app. Quinn becomes heavily stressed and buys a new telephone, but on the new phone, the Countdown app was installed automatically. After being harassed by the demon, she meets Matt, a man which is in similar position as her.
They ended up going back to the hospital trying to get help, although it's later revealed that Dr. Sullivan managed to fabricate his assaults making Quinn being the one which harassed him, she gets kicked from her job because of this. Matt in the bathroom, gets attacked by his younger brother which passed away. Later on, they leave the hospital thinking that the user agreement may help them, they read the user agreement and saw that there is no way from breaking the rules and final decision of the victims death. They end up contacting a priest Father John, which says that there's a code in the app which can help them. They end up hacking into the app, and find out that Jordan also got the app. Derek ends up changing the numbers making all three of them live longer.
Jordan ends up being attacked by the demon again, which takes her mothers form.The Father John then reveals that the demon is called Ozhin and that the demon made a curse inside of the application code. John makes a theory that the curse can be terminated if someone died before their countdown. The countdown must get beaten only by one second for them to win. Father John, Matt, Quinn and Jordan create a warding circle in order to protect themselves from Ozhin, though Matt gets lured by Ozhin which transformed into his little brother and follows the demon. Matt ends up getting killed by getting ran over by a car.
Jordan also gets injured from the demon and they take her to the hospital. Quinn then finds out that Dr. Sullivan had been sexually harassing other female workers, realizing that she should kill Dr. Sullivan in order for the curse to escape. Quinn lures him into a closed-off and attacks him but he gets saved by the Ozhin who realizes what is going on but Ozhin then goes onto attacking Jordan, while Quinn tries to attack Dr. Sullivan. Ozhin becomes ready to kill Jordan, although her sister Quinn then overdoses with drugs in front of Ozhin. Ozhin then gets destroyed into pieces. Jordan stares at her sister, and sees the word "narcan", and she manages to revive her sister.
The movie ends up with the sisters and their father at a grave of their mother, as Quinn gets new notification from the app.