In a recent interview, Louis Tomlinson revealed that's going deaf, and thanks to the directioners. Hi? Louis still concluded that sometimes the cries of fans are unbearable.
"Louis on stage only wears one in-ear, so you did experience a stage when one ear was hearing better than the other. How are you now though, are you better?"
Louis gave the latest update, saying, "Well I went and had it checked out and the guy said I had it all in my head, but what does he know. He was qualified and everything, what does he know?"
Liam and Zayn also reported that most of the time, the cry of fans go beyond the barriers of sound, which ends up hurting your hearing from the boys!
متن بالا از یکی از سایت های معتبر به نام portalhollywood خودم پیدا کردم که تقریبا میگه توی مصاحبه آخر لویی فاش کرد که داره کر میشه و دلیلش هم صدای گریه فن هاست.اینکه لویی (و فک کنم کل پسرا) روی استیج فقط با یه گوش میشنون (چون تو اون یکی هندزفریه) و اونی که آزاده بیشتر آسیب میبینه...
از لویی پرسیده بهتری اونم میگه من دکتر رفتم و اون گفت مشکلت داخل سرته (ینی واسه صدای طرفدارا نیست)

منبع وان دی ایران
"Louis on stage only wears one in-ear, so you did experience a stage when one ear was hearing better than the other. How are you now though, are you better?"
Louis gave the latest update, saying, "Well I went and had it checked out and the guy said I had it all in my head, but what does he know. He was qualified and everything, what does he know?"
Liam and Zayn also reported that most of the time, the cry of fans go beyond the barriers of sound, which ends up hurting your hearing from the boys!
متن بالا از یکی از سایت های معتبر به نام portalhollywood خودم پیدا کردم که تقریبا میگه توی مصاحبه آخر لویی فاش کرد که داره کر میشه و دلیلش هم صدای گریه فن هاست.اینکه لویی (و فک کنم کل پسرا) روی استیج فقط با یه گوش میشنون (چون تو اون یکی هندزفریه) و اونی که آزاده بیشتر آسیب میبینه...
از لویی پرسیده بهتری اونم میگه من دکتر رفتم و اون گفت مشکلت داخل سرته (ینی واسه صدای طرفدارا نیست)

منبع وان دی ایران