15-05-2013، 10:53
bozorgtarin arezoom!!!!? bozorgtarin arezom ine ke ghodrate ino dashte basham ke talash konamo be tamame chizaei ke mikham beresam .motmaen bashid age talash konid be tak take arezohaton miresid va kheyli zod arezohaton tabdil be vagheiyat mishe
arezohamam inas:
darsamo kheyli rahat tomom konamo betonam arashdo leyzer bekhonam
ye maghazeye kochike atro odkolan foroshi dashte bashamo kam kam ertegahsh bedam
ina chizaeiye ke felan mikahm vase residan beshon talash konam
arezohamam inas:
darsamo kheyli rahat tomom konamo betonam arashdo leyzer bekhonam
ye maghazeye kochike atro odkolan foroshi dashte bashamo kam kam ertegahsh bedam
ina chizaeiye ke felan mikahm vase residan beshon talash konam