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* کوییزهای سلبریتی‌ها *

Liam & Harry
* کوییزهای سلبریتی‌ها *
"Ready to hang out with the boys?" Zayn asks. You nod and wave as you see them. When you reach them, you put your towel down and take of your shorts, revealing your bathing suit. The sun shines brightly and you turn towards the ocean, considering if you should go swim(you're at the beach btw). As you turn to ask your best friend Zayn to join you, you notice Harry and Liam staring at you. "What?" you ask, feeling a bit embarassed. Liam shakes his head, blushing, "I'm sorry to be rude and stare!" he apologizes, standing up. "Let me make it up to you." he offers. Harry shakes his head, pushing between you and Liam, "Its okay Liam. Zayn asked me to hang out with (y/n)." he turns to you, smiling cheekily, "Would you like to go swimming with me?" he asks. Zayn shakes his head, "I did? I usually trust Liam." he hesitates. Liam smiles, taking your hand and leading you away, "Can you swim love? You can hang onto me just incase." he blushes. Your cheeks burn red as you put your toes in the soft sand. "I'll come along!" Harry invites himself. You chuckle at Liam's frown. When you reach the water Harry stops, making sure your looking at him and strips his shirt. Your eyes grow wide, making you blush like crazy. Looking like a cherry, you can't help but smile at Harry's abs. He grins, "Feel free to touch 'em." he winks. You giggle and then see Liam take his shirt off as well, revealing his more than perfect abs, "You can touch mine too." he says shyly, taking your hand again. Harry comes up beside you and takes your other hand. The entire time you swim, Harry and Liam glare at each other and try to hold your hand.

The One Who Has Swag
* کوییزهای سلبریتی‌ها *
THE ONE WHO HAS SWAG!* کوییزهای سلبریتی‌ها *
They think you are pretty, out going, and has major swag. You are the type of girl who the guys don't always try to impress. They think you are amazing because you don't try to impress them either. They think of you as one of the guys just more pretty and girlier. Guys like you because you also are funny. A lot of girls would love to have relationships with

Scene! ^.~
* کوییزهای سلبریتی‌ها *
Holy sh*t! your scene!!! (like me hehe) well you are the type of kid who would always be quit until spoken to and you have a wonderful colorful wordrobe!! you like to dye your hair and have lots uf jewelry on! you love to have loshus hair! you listen to that crazy punk music you chose to be loud even if not needed you are very outgoing! have fun and be cool you might say haha
دیدن لینک ها برای شما امکان پذیر نیست. لطفا ثبت نام کنید یا وارد حساب خود شوید تا بتوانید لینک ها را ببینید.
* کوییزهای سلبریتی‌ها *

دیدن لینک ها برای شما امکان پذیر نیست. لطفا ثبت نام کنید یا وارد حساب خود شوید تا بتوانید لینک ها را ببینید.
* کوییزهای سلبریتی‌ها *

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پیام‌های داخل این موضوع
RE: &کوییز های سلبریتی ها & جالبه - hanie directioner - 04-06-2015، 23:14

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کاربرانِ درحال بازدید از این موضوع: 13 مهمان