08-10-2014، 19:39
BamDad In InsTaGraM
من به جای مسئولین از شما گوگولی ها معذرت میخوام
![⌫ اینستاگرام رپر ها⌦](http://photos-h.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xaf1/10706746_301515896721343_933743748_n.jpg)
eNorto In InsTaGraM
(I'm gonna talk to much!) This is why I can't join you and abuse girls verbally in streets, that's why I left high school, that's why I never quit smoking, this might be why I'm not smiling anymore, maybe the reason why I'm alone, this could be a reason for every piece of me, all of me, none of me or half me! I finally realized this is my nature and neither I nor anyone can change it. So don't try to change me, just uncage me and I know how to fly! I'm talking to you friends you're the ones who think you know what's best for me while you're not even me. It's stupid what I say but real.
( :| )
![⌫ اینستاگرام رپر ها⌦](http://photos-f.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xaf1/10616743_355615751286253_1406080853_n.jpg)
Nima Pars In InsTaGraM
![⌫ اینستاگرام رپر ها⌦](http://photos-f.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xfa1/10693469_745878368838485_720855838_n.jpg)
من به جای مسئولین از شما گوگولی ها معذرت میخوام
![⌫ اینستاگرام رپر ها⌦](http://photos-h.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xaf1/10706746_301515896721343_933743748_n.jpg)
eNorto In InsTaGraM
(I'm gonna talk to much!) This is why I can't join you and abuse girls verbally in streets, that's why I left high school, that's why I never quit smoking, this might be why I'm not smiling anymore, maybe the reason why I'm alone, this could be a reason for every piece of me, all of me, none of me or half me! I finally realized this is my nature and neither I nor anyone can change it. So don't try to change me, just uncage me and I know how to fly! I'm talking to you friends you're the ones who think you know what's best for me while you're not even me. It's stupid what I say but real.
( :| )
![⌫ اینستاگرام رپر ها⌦](http://photos-f.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xaf1/10616743_355615751286253_1406080853_n.jpg)
Nima Pars In InsTaGraM
![⌫ اینستاگرام رپر ها⌦](http://photos-f.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xfa1/10693469_745878368838485_720855838_n.jpg)