08-04-2014، 20:30
Kim Hyun Joong open up about his debut group SS501
Kim Hyun Joong in this interview said, he thought SS501 left when there were so much love towards them.
Kim Hyun Joong said even though SS501 never dis banded, because all the member are doing their own solo career its hard to re connect and also because all of them are in different agency and can’t used the name SS501, he felt many conflict about this issue.
Of course they are many media and saying other groups are reuniting and many offers for us. For me to be honest my past memories I love, I don’t want to used to make money off my precious memories. When we are ready together and want it we can do it fully. I don’t want to make fake memories to replace true memories.
When we get together, the member of SS501 living their own lives, say oh yea we can do it when the opportunely come we can sing again and reunite but then we come back to the real world (reality) and we say we just don’t have the confident now. We are all that honest.
My next album is coming out soon but after worth, as a singer and dancer this maybe my last album as I am turning 30. I am thinking seriously what kind of music I want to do and what kind of music that will make me happy.
I like to write my own songs so this album will be the last one I use other people songs. In the future I want to write and produced my own written songs.
In his latest drama as a leading actor which top number one, he show a very different side to his acting more serious manly image. It’s very different from his MBC drama Playful Kiss. His acting was strong and impressive.
متن فارسی:
به نظرم حرفای هیون کاملا منطقی بود برگشتشون الان واقعا سخته به هرحال ما فقط باید ازشون حمایت کنیمو به تصمیماشون احترام بذاریم اونا چه گروهی کارکنن چه سولو بازم دابل اسن و ما تریپل اس اگه بخوایم فقط برای گروهی کارکردنشون تریپل اس همون بهتر که نباشیم الان توی این شرایط باید از 5 نفرشون حمایت کنیم
Kim Hyun Joong in this interview said, he thought SS501 left when there were so much love towards them.
Kim Hyun Joong said even though SS501 never dis banded, because all the member are doing their own solo career its hard to re connect and also because all of them are in different agency and can’t used the name SS501, he felt many conflict about this issue.
Of course they are many media and saying other groups are reuniting and many offers for us. For me to be honest my past memories I love, I don’t want to used to make money off my precious memories. When we are ready together and want it we can do it fully. I don’t want to make fake memories to replace true memories.
When we get together, the member of SS501 living their own lives, say oh yea we can do it when the opportunely come we can sing again and reunite but then we come back to the real world (reality) and we say we just don’t have the confident now. We are all that honest.
My next album is coming out soon but after worth, as a singer and dancer this maybe my last album as I am turning 30. I am thinking seriously what kind of music I want to do and what kind of music that will make me happy.
I like to write my own songs so this album will be the last one I use other people songs. In the future I want to write and produced my own written songs.
In his latest drama as a leading actor which top number one, he show a very different side to his acting more serious manly image. It’s very different from his MBC drama Playful Kiss. His acting was strong and impressive.
متن فارسی:
” فک کنم خوب بود محبت زیادی از فن ها و مردم دریافت می کردیم وقتی گروه رو ترک کردم ..
من منحل شدن گروهو در نظر نمی گیرم اما حالا و در این شرایط ( منظورش اینه که هر عضو در یک کمپانی حضور داره ) ما حتی نمی تونیم از اسم گروهمون استفاده کنیم !
وضعیت خیلی سختیه و ایده ال بنظر نمیاد …
ال.بته میشه در کنار هم کنسرت گذاشت یا تور برگزار کرد یا حتی این که در اینده با هم باشیم اما اگه بخوام صادقانه بگم در مورد خودم ، نمی خوام از خاطرات و اتفاقات گذشته برای منافع خودم استفاده کنم ..
اینطوری حس بیشتری بوجود میاد و انتظار ها در مورد گروهی کار کردن بیشتر می شه ! اما زمانی این امکان پذیره که همه اماده باشیم و همه اینو بخوایم !
گاها وقتی با سایر اعضای گروه ملاقات میکنم مشغول فعالیت های شخصیشون هستن ما در مورد این که یه کاریو دسته جمعی باید انجام بدیم صحبت می کنیم وقتی فرصتش پیش بیاد
بعضی ها می پرسن ایا فقط خوندن ترانه با هم کفایت می کنه ؟! اما من صادقانه بهشون میگم که دیگه زیاد در مورد دبل اس مطمئن نیستم ! که چطوری و چه زمانی دوباره قراره در کنار هم باشیم ! “
به نظرم حرفای هیون کاملا منطقی بود برگشتشون الان واقعا سخته به هرحال ما فقط باید ازشون حمایت کنیمو به تصمیماشون احترام بذاریم اونا چه گروهی کارکنن چه سولو بازم دابل اسن و ما تریپل اس اگه بخوایم فقط برای گروهی کارکردنشون تریپل اس همون بهتر که نباشیم الان توی این شرایط باید از 5 نفرشون حمایت کنیم