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متن آهنگ Jim Johnston — The Game (Triple H) [feat. Motörhead]

متن آهنگ Jim Johnston — The Game (Triple H) [feat. Motörhead] 1

It's time to play the game
Time to play the game!

It's all about the game, and how you play it
All about control, and if you can take it
All about your debt, and if you can pay it
It's all about pain, and who's gonna make it

I am the game, you don't wanna play me
I am control, no way you can change me
I am heavy debts, no way you can pay me
I am the pain, and I know you can't take me

Look over your shoulder, ready to run
Like a good little bitch, from a smoking gun
I am the game, and I make the rules
So move on out, and you can die like a fool

Try and figure out what the move's gonna be
Come on over sucker, why don't you ask me?
Don't you forget there's a price you can pay
'Cause I am the game and I want to play

It's time to play the game

Time to play the game!

It's all about the game, and how you play it
It's all about control, and if you can take it
It's all about your debt, and if you can pay it
It's all about the pain, and who's gonna make it

I am the game, you don't wanna play me
I am control, there's no way you can change me
I am your debts, and know you can't pay me
I am your pain, and I know you can't take me

Play the game, you're gonna be the same
You're gonna change your name, you're gonna die in flames

Time to play the game!
It's time to play the game

It's time to play the game

It's time to play the game

Time to play the game!

دیدن لینک ها برای شما امکان پذیر نیست. لطفا ثبت نام کنید یا وارد حساب خود شوید تا بتوانید لینک ها را ببینید.

خلاف قوانین؟! تکراری؟! بی کیفیت؟! اسپمزا؟! اسپم؟!کم محتوا؟!
دیدن لینک ها برای شما امکان پذیر نیست. لطفا ثبت نام کنید یا وارد حساب خود شوید تا بتوانید لینک ها را ببینید.
ویلای دو خوابه و ارزان قیمت در نزدیکی دریا در شهر رامسر (:
 سپاس شده توسط Highschool ، ‌ ‍ ‌‌‌‌ ‌‌‌ ‌ ‍ ، کرونا ، Ensani

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