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رمز بازی call of doty - نسخهی قابل چاپ +- انجمن های تخصصی فلش خور (http://www.flashkhor.com/forum) +-- انجمن: بازی های رایانه ای (http://www.flashkhor.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=5) +--- انجمن: تبادل نظر و رفع اشکال بازی ها (http://www.flashkhor.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=6) +--- موضوع: رمز بازی call of doty (/showthread.php?tid=47329) صفحهها:
رمز بازی call of doty - Ξrιc logιc - 12-08-2013 سلام برای استفاده از کدهای تقلب کال اف دیوتی بلک اوپس در Xbox 360 مراحل زیر را طی کنید: ![]() وقتی به منوی اصلی اومدید LT و RT رو مکررا فشار دهید. بعد از 5 مرتبه هر یک از شما رهایی از صندلی بازجویی و خواهد ایستاد. به پشت سر خود قدم بزیند فورا تا به کامپیوتر دسترسی پیدا کنید و سپس کدهای زیر رو وارد کنید: برای فعال کرد مرگ به نحوه Ops :یا به قول ما زامبی کارتونی کد: DOA لیست سیستم توضیحات: کد: HELP لیست کردن تمام عکس ها و صدا ها: کد: CAT باز کردن قفل تمام اینتل ها: کد: 3ARC INTEL عملکرد اول + زامبی شدن ریاست:zombie five کد: 3ARC UNLOCK حادثه زیر زمینی بزرگ : کد: ZORK : ---------------- Submitted by: chemical_sloth The first time i tried cheats submitted by David K,but unlimited ammo does't work. Here's my way to activate cheats: Find your game files in the Steam folder,open the "config.cfg" with Notepad,at the end of the "config.cfg" file,must be added the following line: seta thereisacow "1337" (the numbers must be in quotation marks) This will enable the cheats. Now, several other lines must be added. To use the cheats, the "bind" command must be used: bind X "Y" - on the place of X you must put a key, on the place of Y, between the two tidles, you must put the cheat code. EXAMPLE: seta thereisacow "1337" bind j "god" bind k "give all" bind l "player_sustainammo 1" When ingame, you just have to press one of these keys, and the cheat code will be activated. To disable a code, just press the needed key a second time. NOTE: cheat like "player_sustainammo", which need "1" or "0" to be inputed, will need a different key with the "0" inputed to be disabled. example: bind l "player_sustainammo 1", bind p "player_sustainammo 0") Note: Reset to default control will disable all cheat keys. Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Use a text editor to edit the "config.cfg" file in the "players" directory in the game folder. Change the value of the seta monkeytoy "1" line to seta monkeytoy "0". Save the file, then change its attributes to read-only. Press ~ at main menu to display the console window, then enter one of the following codes to start at the indcated map Map Code ---------------------------------- Kino Der Toten - /devmap zombie_five Pentagon - /devmap zombie_pentagon After the map loads, press ~ again to display the console window, then enter one of the following cheats: Effect Code ---------------------------------------- God mode - /god Juggernaut - /demigod Ammunition - /give ammo No clipping mode - /noclip Flight mode - /ufo Extra weapons - /give all Set player speed - /g_speed [number] Unlimited ammunition - /player_sustainammo 1 Spawn indicated item - /give [item name] Central Intelligence Agency Data System: ---------------------------------------- On the Main Menu, alternately tap RIGHT and LEFT triggers (or hold the Space bar on a keyboard). After a bit, you'll stand up. Leave your seat and examine the back wall. A small black and white computer terminal can be found here. Approach it and enter these codes using the on-screen keyboard in the "Central Intelligence Agency Data System." Code Effect -------------------------------------- DOA - Play the super-awesome top-down Smash TV-style Dead Ops Arcade minigame. 3ARC INTEL - Unlocks all the intel in the game for viewing. (Disables Closer Analysis Trophy/Achievement) 3ARC UNLOCK - Unlocks all levels and Zombie Mode levels. ZORK - Unlocks Zork I: The Great Underground Empire (an incredibly great text adventure from 1980) which you can play on the console. HELP - Gives you a list of commands to interface with the console -- you can check mail messages and perform other mundane functions, some of which are listed below. DIR - Gives a list of audio files and pictures which you can open with the CAT command (e.g. CAT NoteX.txt). WHO - Gives a list of login names for use with the RLOGIN function. (but they require a password) PRINT[filename] - Open corresponding file. LOGIN - Attempt a new session with a corresponding username and password. LS - Display contents of the current directory. ENCODE - Encode a string using the CIA's cipher. DECODE - Decode a string using the CIA's cipher. MAIL - Open the mail folder for the current user. FOOBAR - Displays "Fee Fie Foe Foo!" ALICIA - Alicia virtual therapist game. Gun Game Wager match weapons: ----------------------------- The following is a list of all 20 guns in the Gun Game wager match: 01. Python with multiple attachments. 02. Makarov dual wield. 03. Spas. 04. Ithica. 05. MP5K. 06. Skorpion dual wield. 07. AK74u. 08. M14. 09. M16. 10. FAMAS. 11. AUG. 12. Hk21. 13. M60. 14. L96A1. 15. WA2000. 16. Grim Reaper. 17. M72 Law. 18. China Lake. 19. Crossbow explosive tip. 20. Ballistic knife. Zombie mode maps: ----------------- Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding map in Zombies mode. Dead Ops Arcade : Play the Dead Ops Arcade game. Der Riese : Enter unique code from Call Of Duty: Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition. Five : Complete Campaign mode. Kino Der Toten : Available by default. Nacht Der Untoten : Enter unique code from Call Of Duty: Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition. Shi No Numa : Enter unique code from Call Of Duty: Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition. Verruckt : Enter unique code from Call Of Duty: Black Ops Hardened and Prestige Edition. Easy "I Hate Monkeys" achievement: ---------------------------------- In the Rebirth labs, fire the China Lake into the central chamber of the lab. Once the explosion happens in the chamber, the Nova 6 will not only kill the soldiers, but all of the monkeys as well. Perks list: ----------- The following perks can be unlocked. -=Tier 1=- Flak Jacket : Reduces explosive damage. Flak Jacket Pro : Deflect fire damage, and safely toss back grenades. Ghost : Undetectable by the Spy Plane and Blackbird. Ghost Pro : Undetectable by aircraft, IR scopes, Sentry Guns, and no red cross hair on your name when targeted. Hardline : Killstreaks require one less kill. Harline Pro : Change the contents of a Care Package. Lightweight : Move faster. Lightweight Pro : No fall damage. Scavenger : Get ammo from fallen enemies. Scavenger Pro : Start with extra magazines, and get grenades from fallen enemies. -=Tier 2=- Hardened : Bullets penetrate better. Hardened Pro : Increased bullet damage to killstreaks and less aiming recoil when shot. Scout : Hold breath longer. Scout Pro : Switch weapons faster. Sleight Of Hand : Faster reloads. Sleight Of Hand Pro : ADS with all weapons, except sniper rifles. Steady Aim : Increased hip-fire accuracy. Steady Aim Pro : Faster ADS after sprinting. Warlord : Equip two attachments to your primary weapon. Warlord Pro : Start with one extra lethal and tactical grenade. -=Tier 3=- Hacker : Ability to detect enemy equipment and explosives. Hacker Pro : Booby trap enemy Care Packages and turn enemy killstreaks and equipment friendly. Marathon : Longer sprint. Marathon Pro : Unlimited duration. Ninja : Silent movement. Ninja Pro : Make no noise, and hear all enemies louder. Second Chance : Ability to use your pistol before dying. Second Chance Pro : Survive longer, and get revived by teammates. Tactical Mask : Protects against Nova Gas. Tactical Mask Pro : Reduces the effects of flash and concussion grenades. Pentagon Map for Zombie Mode: ----------------------------- Beat the game on any difficulty to unlock Zombie Mode, where you play as Nixon, Castro, Kennedy, McNamara, beat the game on any difficulty. Alternately, you can enter the 3ARC UNLOCK code in the cheats menu. Break Away From The Chair: -------------------------- Submitted by: Black Ops Dude in the menu, go all the way back to the original menu and hold the space bar down. Your charachter gets out of the chair and can walk around and stuff. Behind you there will be a computer. Here is the list of cheats and stuff I know: Code Effect -------------- ZORK play the original zork part 1: the underground empire (also gives you an achievment) DOA play the original Dead Ops Arcade game mail shows list of messages for the current CIA user (there will be a number by the message, to see the message, type the number) Just being an inspiration to all you game nerds out there, may you quickscope quick and accuratelly, may all of your bullets count. CYA!!! Dreamland server: ----------------- Access the Central Intelligence Agency Data System. Enter rlogin dreamland as a command. You will be prompted to login with an account with MJ12 access. Use the following usernames and passwords to continue. Login as Robert Oppen: Username: roppen and password: trinity. Login as Vannevar Bush: Username: vbush and password: majestic1. Terminal access: ---------------- Access the Central Intelligence Agency Data System. Enter login as a command. You will be prompted to login with an account. Use the following usernames and passwords to continue. You can then access their documents with the dir command or email with the mail command. Person Username Password ------------------------------------------- Bruce Harris bharris goskins D. King dking mfk Adrienne Smith asmith roxy Vannevar Bush vbush manhattan Frank Woods fwoods philly Grigori "Greg" Weaver gweaver gedeon J. Turner Jturner condor75 Jason Hudson jhudson bryant1950 John McCone jmccone berkley22 Joseph Bowman jbowman uwd John F. Kennedy jfkennedy lancer Lyndon B. Johnson lbjohnson ladybird Richard Nixon rnixon checkers Richard Helms rhelms lerosey Richard Kain rkain sunwu Ryan Jackson rjackson saintbridget T. Walker twalker radi0 Terrance Brooks tbrooks lauren William Raborn wraborn bromlow Numbers: Thundergun: -------------------- In the level "Numbers," after interrogating Clarke, several enemy soldiers will appear at the end of the long hallway. If you can shoot all six Nova 6 canisters (two in the back, four on the sides), you can retrieve a cassette tape in the office behind where you started. Note: It is recommended that you toss a flashbang to blind the enemies so you have less trouble taking out the canisters. Once you pick up the tape, continue with the level until the part where Weaver and Clarke both jump off the roof onto a mattress. After they jump down, Clarke will ask Weaver to help him move a fridge out of the way to his first weapon stash. Once they do, go inside and look to the left. There should be a place to put the cassette. Note: When picking up and placing the cassette tape, the game will not prompt you -- you must have seen it being moved yourself. After that, the screen will shake and the Thunder Gun will appear out of the wall. It has twelve bullets, and it is reloaded at checkpoints. Five: Don't Back Down song: --------------------------- Locate the three red rotary phones throughout the Pentagon that ring and flash. The first phone can be found when you first start, after opening a set of doors in the corner. The second phone is on the catwalk circling the room after leaving the first elevator. The third phone is in one of the rooms after leaving the second elevator on the floor that the power is on. You can find the phones by following their ringing. Look at the phone, then hold [Action] until you hear a busy signal. After the third phone is accessed, the song "Don't Back Down" by Eminem will play. Kino Der Toten: "115" song: --------------------------- Find the three meteors. The first meteor is located on a pedestal in a corner behind the soda in the main lobby. The second meteor is on a pedestal in the dressing room near some mannequins. The third meteor is the room upstairs near the alleyway, on a "dresser" with black marquee letters. Note: The meteors appear as red veined rocks. Hold [Use] on each meteor until your character says something or the veins in the rock glow red. After all three are found, the song "115" by Elena Siegman will play. Nuketown: "Sympathy For the Devil" song: ---------------------------------------- Shoot the heads off all the mannequins in record time to hear "Sympathy For the Devil" by the Rolling Stones. Zombie items: ------------- Use one of the following entries with the /give code. m16_zm m16_gl_upgraded_zm gl_m16_upgraded_zm g11_lps_zm g11_lps_upgraded_zm famas_zm famas_upgraded_zm ak74u_zm ak74u_upgraded_zm mp5k_zm mp5k_upgraded_zm mp40_zm mp40_upgraded_zm mpl_zm mpl_upgraded_zm pm63_zm pm63_upgraded_zm pm63lh_upgraded_zm spectre_zm spectre_upgraded_zm cz75dw_zm cz75lh_zm cz75dw_upgraded_zm cz75lh_upgraded_zm ithaca_zm ithaca_upgraded_zm rottweil72_zm rottweil72_upgraded_zm spas_zm spas_upgraded_zm hs10_zm hs10_upgraded_zm hs10lh_upgraded_zm aug_acog_zm aug_acog_mk_upgraded_zm mk_aug_upgraded_zm galil_zm galil_upgraded_zm commando_zm commando_upgraded_zm fnfal_zm fnfal_upgraded_zm dragunov_zm dragunov_upgraded_zm l96a1_zm l96a1_upgraded_zm rpk_zm rpk_upgraded_zm hk21_zm hk21_upgraded_zm m72_law_zm m72_law_upgraded_zm china_lake_zm china_lake_upgraded_zm zombie_cymbal_monkey ray_gun_zm ray_gun_upgraded_zm thundergun_zm thundergun_upgraded_zm crossbow_explosive_zm crossbow_explosive_upgraded_zm knife_ballistic_zm knife_ballistic_upgraded_zm knife_ballistic_bowie_zm knife_ballistic_bowie_upgraded_zm explosive_bolt_zm explosive_bolt_upgraded_zm bowie_knife_zm syrette_sp zombie_perk_bottle_doubletap zombie_perk_bottle_jugg freezegun_zm (only available in Five) Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: Arju Press SPACEBAR at the main menu until Mason gets up out of the chair. Turn around to face the computer and press F to access the computer. Type any of the following commands into the computer for the desired cheat effect. Code Result: ------------- doa Zombie Killing Mini-Game 3arc intel Unlock All Intel 3arc unlock Unlock Dead Ops Arcade and Presidential Zombie Mode zork Play ZORK dir List audio files and pictures for use with CAT command cat [filename]: Open corresponding file who List of login names for use with the RLOGIN command (requires passwords) help List commands Secret Film: ------------ In the Zombie map "Kino Der Toten" there is a teleporter in front of the curtain on stage. When you use this teleporter you get sent to the room that contains Pack-a-Punch machine and a window. If you wait about a minute you'll be teleported again to one of several secret rooms. Inside the secret room that contains the presidential seal and a projector, there is a desk. On the desk there is an old roll of film which you can pick up (be warned you will not be prompted to pick it up, you just can). Pack-a-Punch Weapon Upgrades: ----------------------------- Here is a list of all gun upgrades you can get via the Pack-a-Punch machine. Pistol - Mustang & sally / Twin grenade launcher pistols. M14 - Minitia / Slightly more damage and 2 round burst. Olympia - Hades / Slightly more spread and damage. Ak74 - AK74FU2 / More damage and grenade launcher. MP4 - Afterburner / More damage. Stakeout - Raid / More damage, larger clip and more spread. MPL - MPL-LF / More damage. Mp5K - MP115Kolider / Slightly more damage. PM63 - Tokyo & Rose / Twin SMGs with more damage. M16 - Skullcrusher / Fully automatic and grenade launcher. HK21 - H115 oscilator / Better damage and clip best automatic. RPK - R115 resonator / Better damage and clip. China lake - China beach / Larger clip, more damage. CS75 - Calamity / Semi-automatic, better damage. Python - Cobra / Larger clip, better damage. AUG - AUG-50M3 / Larger clip, better damage and built-in shotgun. Fn FAL - Epic Win / 3 round burst, better damage, big scope. Famas - G16-GL35 / Better damage, funny smiley scope. Commando - Predator / Better damage, larger clip. G11 - G115 generator / Better damage. Galil - Lemantation / Better damage, scope, larger clip. Spas 12 - Spaz-24 / Better damage, larger clip, bigger spread. Hs10 - Typhoid & Mary / Better damage, twin shotguns, bigger spread. Dragunov - D115 disassembler / Better damage, zoom scope. L96A1 - L115 isolator / Better damage, zoom scope. Ray gun - Porters X2 ray gun / Better damage, larger clip. Thundergun - Zeuscannon / More damage, larger clip. Five: Zombies mode: On top of the teleporter: --------------------------------------------- Once you go downstairs, stand in front of the larger elevator. When in front of it, go left along the desks next to the teleporter. You will see a railing. Stand behind so that you can see it long ways. Dolphin dive on top of it. This may require a few attempts. Once you are on top of the railing, stand up and keep jumping up until you are onto of the teleporter. Zombies cannot touch you unless you get too close to the stairs. You will rack up a lot of points because the zombies will gather up, and when you shoot at the crowd it almost impossible to miss. Custom Class Slots: ------------------- At certain Prestige levels you'll unlock additional custom class slots. Note: Once you unlock a slot, the pre-set class for that slot will not be available until you Prestige again. 6th Slot - Reach 1st Prestige. 7th Slot - Reach 3rd Prestige. 8th Slot - Reach 5th Prestige. 9th Slot - Reach 7th Prestige. 10th Slot - Reach 9th Prestige. Sympathy for the Devil on Nuketown: ----------------------------------- On the multiplayer map "Nuketown", there will be two dozen or so mannequins that spawn in random positions every round. If you shoot all of their heads off, Sympathy for the Devil, by The Rolling Stones, will play for the rest of the match. Ascension: "Abracadavre" song: ------------------------------ Locate all three hidden teddy bears holding a sickle and press [Action] next to them to hear the song "Abracadavre" by Elena Siegman. The first bear is to the left of the Olympia shotgun in the starting room. The second bear is behind the fence across from where the claymores are purchased. The last bear is near the lunar lander near the Speed Cola machine. Secret Thunder Gun: ------------------- Go to campaign mode and play on Mission: Numbers. Throw grenades at the Nova-6 Canisters and ALL of them have to explode. Turn around and there is a somewhat pointless area, a cassette player will be opened and press "X" (or "F" for PC), if the screen shakes, you have received a cassette. Once you get to the part where you jump to the other building (slow motion scene), when Dr. Clark shows you his weapon stock you will see another cassette player in the room. Press "X" (or "F") to insert the cassette, there will be strange noises coming from from it and then look at the wall. Eventually the screen will shake violently and the Thunder Gun will appear. It can only fire 12 times but it will reload after every checkpoint. Nuketown: Double rainbow reference: RE: رمز بازی call of doty - MAHTA .S - 19-08-2013 خیلی ممنون ![]() RE: رمز بازی call of doty - rayan20 - 17-09-2013 مرسیییییییییی RE: رمز بازی call of doty - aclic - 17-09-2013 بازي كه با رمز بازي كني بهتره اصلا" بازي نكني RE: رمز بازی call of doty - ッツ محمـב هـاבے ツッ - 22-10-2013 برای کامپیوتر نداری ![]() RE: رمز بازی call of doty - Ξrιc logιc - 23-10-2013 (22-10-2013، 8:47)مملی2013 نوشته است: دیدن لینک ها برای شما امکان پذیر نیست. لطفا ثبت نام کنید یا وارد حساب خود شوید تا بتوانید لینک ها را ببینید. تو کامپیترم میگیره RE: رمز بازی call of doty - raha.bahar20 - 29-10-2013 رمز های mw2 ![]() RE: رمز بازی call of doty - KᏙ¥றᏙƝ - 29-10-2013 نام بازی رواشتباه نوشتی ویاریشش کن وبعددرستش کن RE: رمز بازی call of doty - ッツ محمـב هـاבے ツッ - 16-11-2013 برای کدوم کال اف دیوتیه ![]() RE: رمز بازی call of doty - dj erfan - 04-05-2014 (17-09-2013، 11:01)aclic نوشته است: دیدن لینک ها برای شما امکان پذیر نیست. لطفا ثبت نام کنید یا وارد حساب خود شوید تا بتوانید لینک ها را ببینید.کاملا باهات موافقم دادا چون به نظر من بازی که توش دو سه بار بمیری یا گیر کنی جذابیتش بیشتر از بازی که بخوای با رمز بری جلو |